A broken toy that most would think of as trash. However this precious street boy finds joy in it and is so proud of his treasure. Sometimes my kids truly make me realize the most important things in life. They help me to see how some things have so much potential if you just give them a little love. And to this little boy...his toy works just as good as one that would have cost $$$. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have a relationship with every single one of our kids in the Dominican Republic and to see God’s unique plan unfold for them! Because of our sponsors, lives are being changed every single day! Would you like to partner with us? We would be so blessed to have you! Visit the donate page for more info! ❤️ #missionaryatheart
“We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”
Emptying The Ocean...
As I lay in bed tonight with all of the comforts I havejust by living in the U.S. I can’t help but think about my sweet babies in the Dominican Republic. Most of our kids live on the streets and are sleeping on the sidewalk outside of crowded bars full of drinking, smoking, and dancing. Our kids that do have a home typically do not have a bed and sleep on the dirt floor of their tin shack like the picture shown. And sometimes I feel super defeated and that trying to make a difference in a third world county is like emptying the ocean one drop at a time. However, I am always up for an adventure so I will continue to raise funds and love and feed these kids every day because that is my calling and purpose. Are you interested in helping? Become a monthly sponsor or make a one time donation. Our sponsors are how our kids get fed each day! Without them we truly could not do what we do. Your donations are tax deductible. Don’t want to make a commitment...enter the raffle we have going on or purchase a tin cross. 100% of the $ goes directly towards expenses for our kids. We are so thankful for every single person that partners with #missionaryatheart!
Need more info? Email us!! caroline@dominicankids.com
Crosses for Sale!
I have set a big goal for myself!! I need to sell 150 crosses before summer is over! Can you help me?! Each tin cross is $10 and is made from houses we have torn down to rebuild in the Dominican Republic where I do mission work. Our street kids help make all the crosses and they are so excited for you to buy them! 100% of the money goes directly towards our street kids feeding program! Please share with all of your friends and help me reach my goal!
***Email caroline@dominicankids.com if you would like to purchase!
These make the best gifts! Stock up for birthdays and Christmas or buy one for yourself! Every single one is unique and different!
Up and Running!
Our van is up and running and ready for our street kids! Yesterday was our first day to use our new van to pickup and drop off the street kids from the mission house! Although there are always a few kinks when something new is started, everything went great! We are so THANKFUL for our monthly sponsors for making this possible! Do you want to get plugged in and start helping our precious kids? I promise you won’t regret it! Visit our donate page! #missionaryatheart