Emptying The Ocean...

As I lay in bed tonight with all of the comforts I havejust by living in the U.S. I can’t help but think about my sweet babies in the Dominican Republic. Most of our kids live on the streets and are sleeping on the sidewalk outside of crowded bars full of drinking, smoking, and dancing. Our kids that do have a home typically do not have a bed and sleep on the dirt floor of their tin shack like the picture shown. And sometimes I feel super defeated and that trying to make a difference in a third world county is like emptying the ocean one drop at a time. However, I am always up for an adventure so I will continue to raise funds and love and feed these kids every day because that is my calling and purpose. Are you interested in helping? Become a monthly sponsor or make a one time donation. Our sponsors are how our kids get fed each day! Without them we truly could not do what we do. Your donations are tax deductible. Don’t want to make a commitment...enter the raffle we have going on or purchase a tin cross. 100% of the $ goes directly towards expenses for our kids. We are so thankful for every single person that partners with #missionaryatheart!

Need more info? Email us!! caroline@dominicankids.com
