Meet john and ali

We have two brothers that have been coming to our mission house for a few years now. They live in a alone tiny shack with a leaky roof and one sleeps in a homemade hammock made from a sheet and the other sleeps on a makeshift bed he made out of sticks and a few thin T-shirt’s. 

The boys names are John and Ali. They have very little family support and consider us their family. They are older so we let them help out around the mission house doing differmotoent jobs in order to earn a little money and learn life skills. Well the boys truly surprised me and have been saving up all of the $ they have been earning at our mission house and put a down payment on an inexpensive motorcycle! Now they will have their own transportation to and from our mission house and they can earn money by giving others rides on their moto and start a job as a “moto coache”! I know this doesn’t seem like a big deal but they don’t get paid much at all when they help us out and rather than blowing the money they do make on something silly they saved up and spent it on something that will last and make a difference in their lives. 

These brothers have a speacial place in my heart and I am so proud of them! It is moments like these that make me realize we truly are making a difference, one at a time! #missionaryatheart 

Help us help John and Ali and other kids just like them!! Visit:
