Joselo needs our help

Urgent #missionaryatheart need: Meet Joselo. A precious little boy whose older brothers have been coming to our mission house in the Dominican Republic for over 5 years. Joselo has cancer in his eye and his mom came to our mission house today begging for help. He is supposed to have surgery on Friday to put in a glass eye and then start chemo treatments next week. However, his family lives in extreme poverty and doesn’t even have money to cook dinner each night much less pay for medications, surgeries, chemo, and transportation back and forth to Dr appts in the capital.

#Missionaryatheart has had to make some big cutbacks lately due to funding changes so we don’t have any extra funds to be able to help this precious family.

If you want to make a tax-deductible donation towards Joselo and his medical needs so he can get his surgery and treatment, you can send PayPal using this link:

If you’re not able to help financially, Joselo needs prayers as well! He is truly traumatized by this entire experience and cries non stop now. Pray for peace and comfort for this sweet baby!

I don’t have an exact amount for how much Joselo needs to cover his expenses right now (in a third world country it’s hard to get exact #’s!) but I can assure you every single penny donated will go directly to Joselo and his medical needs. Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus and help this sweet boy!
