Chi Chi is one of my best friends in the Dominican. He works as a moto coache (motorcycle driver) and takes people where they need to go for a few pesos here and there. Chi Chi is a great guy! He is always smiling and will never hear him complain about anything. One night in November, Chi Chi was picking his wife up from work and got caught in the middle of a gun fight. Chi Chi ended up getting shot in his left eye. He immediately lost sight in both of his eyes. So within seconds Chi Chi went from seeing the world around him to being completely blind. When I heard this news I was speechless. I didn't know what to say and I didn't know what to do! It all felt so surreal. Chi Chi needed to get immediate surgery and his family had absolutely no money! The fact that Chi Chi's job was a motorcycle driver didn't help either because now he was completely jobless. As for his wife, she could no longer work because she needed to tend to Chi Chi day and night. After a post on Facebook (not asking for any money at all...just prayers) I had raised all of the money Chi Chi needed for his surgery! WOW! God is good! Since then, Chi Chi has had multiple operations, surgeries, been on many medications, and has had his bandages on his eyes changed out daily. And now I am proud to say that Chi Chi has sight back in his right eye (the eye that was not shot). We know that he will never be able to see out of his left eye again, but having sight in one eye is way better than not seeing at all! And none of this would have been possible without help from a few particular friends of mine that helped Chi Chi financially so he could get the medical help he needed! THANK YOU! Chi Chi's sight will come back VERY slow however he can now differentiate between light and dark, make out shapes, recognize some faces, and recognize numbers! WOW! I pray that one day he day he will be able to go back to work (he is so ready!) and live life just like he had before! Through this whole process Chi Chi has come to know Jesus and is now telling his friends Him! One thing I have learned through this all is that no matter the circumstances, God is always at work! #missionaryatheart