A day in the life of a missionary...no need for an alarm clock because starting around 8am kids start knocking on the gate outside of our mission house yelling "Caroline! Caroline!". This will go on as long as I let it until I finally get out of bed to see what they need! By noon at least 20 kids and adults have been by our mission house needing medical care, medicine, food, water, or just love and attention! Our mission house is an escape for many, an escape from an abusive situation a child may face at home, an escape from people in the villages not making wise choices, it is an escape to so many adults and children in so many ways. The picture above is me and a tiny portion of kids that come by each and every day. We have a tiny pool built out of concrete in the yard of our mission house, it is by no means extraordinary and most Americans would want nothing to do with it. However the kids think the pool is the greatest thing in the world and I agree with them because for all of the kids that stop by daily not only is it fun for them it is also a bath for them! I love seeing that dirty water at the end of the day because to me it is a sign of pure joy and love! So by about 3:00 everyday, we have fed at least 20-30 kids and adults lunch from what little food we have in our pantry, we have loved on at least 50 kids, we have bandaged at least 5-10 wounds and at this point the day is just getting started! By 4:00 we head out to bandage wounds of the people that are counting on us daily for their medical care, we feed the kids and adults who without us wouldn't get food that day, and we get stopped at least 20 times by strangers asking for help because they know we are helping their friends. Whew....by the end of the day I am hot, sweaty, and totally exhausted! I usually have not eaten all day myself because I have been too focused taking care of all of "my kids". So I take a quick shower, grab a quick bite to eat, and get ready to do it all over tomorrow! I wouldn't change it for the world! #missionaryatheart