Infection and Needs

Sometimes mission work is simply providing medical care for an incredibly infected eye. God continues to put kids in our path exactly when they need us most. What’s so heartbreaking though is all of the people that need our help but we have to turn them away because we simply do not have enough funds to go around and meet all of the never ending needs.

Learn more about our kids:


They are not statistics.

 "These children are my friends. They are boys and girls that I know personally because I laugh with them when they are happy and dry their tears when they are sad or afraid. I feed them and bathe them and bandage their wounds. They are not anonymous, they are not statistics. They are people I love and people God loves. He wants the best for them and so do I.” Katie Davis #missionaryatheart


“I have food to eat...”

The only reason that our street kids in the Dominican Republic are able to claim this quote is because God has made it possible for them to come to our mission house daily. At our mission house they are able to bathe, change clothes, eat a nutritious meal, have clean drinking water, have bible study, and play in a safe environment. It truly shatters my heart to think about how these kids live when they are not at our mission house. #missionaryatheart truly changes lives! We believe that EVERY child matters and deserves to be shown love. The kids we help are so grateful! Partner with us!!! We run completely off of donations and our monthly sponsors make this quote a reality for so many homeless and poverty stricken kids.


Hey Friday!

Fridays are always big days for #missionaryatheart! Today we have 1️⃣9️⃣ new street kids signed up for our daily feeding program 😱🥳! What a blessing! God keeps blessing us with more and more kids to invest in and I have no doubt in my mind that He will provide the funds so we can take care of these kids! We don’t go searching for new kids to be part of our program, they come to us and we are forever thankful we can provide a SAFE place for so many kids to come each day in a poverty stricken, third world country that’s full of violence and traumatic circumstances. We would love for you to partner with us!!! ❤️❤️❤️
