What Is He Thinking About?

This is a picture of one of our street kids in the Dominican Republic that is very humbling to me. What is this little boy thinking about? What is he going through currently in his life? Is he thinking about the poverty he lives in? Is he sad? Is he thinking about a fight or scene he witnessed the night before? Did someone say something hurtful to him? Is he missing his mom and dad and wishing they would want him? Is he wishing his brother or sister were still alive to play with him? Did someone try to take advantage of him? The trauma that our street kids have experienced in their little lives is unbearable to think about. However it is a heartbreaking reality for every single one of the kids that come to our mission house each day. Some hide it better than others, but they have all expeirienced things that no child ever should. Yet I find peace in knowing that we have a God that will bring strength, hope, and love to every single one of our kids in the Dominican Republic! In that, I find peace! www.dominicankids.com/donate-now/


Carrying Water Instead of Textbooks

Meet Kesha. The bucket on her head is filled with water that she walks ten minutes to get for family. Her family has to walk to get all water for bathing, cooking, cleaning as well as for their toilet. Most of the kids in the village she lives in do not go to school because of the water problem. Lack of bathing, no clean uniforms, and a need to carry water to their house all create problems. I am embarrassed I can get something off of Amazon delivered easier than she can get a gallon of water. So humbling! #missionaryatheart www.dominicankids.com/donate-now/


Our Friday

Happy Friday from #missionaryatheart! Look at all of these kiddos! They are lined up and ready to get their daily meal at our mission house! They have spent the day playing, having bible study, being in a safe atmosphere, and feeling loved! After they eat they will be able to bathe, get fresh clothes, and then our van will take them back to where they live. We are so thankful for this long line of kiddos and EVERY single one of our sponsors who make this picture possible! www.dominicankids.com/donate-now/
