First day back was a success! Street kids were at the house all day doing their thing (playing, eating, and bathing) and then I finally got to meet precious Albert (a 14 month old 12 pound baby). He is precious and cute as ever! And he can finally hold his head up on his own (MAJOR PRAISE)! #missionaryatheart
Coloring for the First Time
Teenage street kids at the mission house coloring for the first time! They are so excited and they don't even care that we only have mermaid coloring books! Pretty humbling to think about the fact that's these boys are teenagers and have never held a crayon or marker until now. #missionaryatheart
Rainy Season
It's considered the "rainy season" right now in the Dominican. I would say that's accurate considering it's rained for about 2 weeks straight with only a few hours of sunshine here and there. As much as I love the heart breaks for all of my kids in the Dominican! Rain in the Dominican=a complete and total mess! When you have dirt floors and roofs with more holes than covered spots, the few things you have in your house get ruined. And my poor street kids. They can't escape the wet y'all. They are soaked all the time. And at the mission house since it has been raining so much we can't even hang the boys clean clothes outside to dry because they just get wet again in the rain. This is a picture of one of our street kids "bathing" outside at the mission house. Prayers for my kids. If I could take their place, I would in a second. #missionaryatheart
Meet Ezekiel
Meet Ezekial. A 5 year old bundle of preciousness. He sells small bags of coffee beans for about 1 penny per bag to make money for his family. He comes to the mission house most days to eat and play but usually will say he can't stay long because he "hasn't sold enough coffee beans for the day". If this isn't humbling I don't know what is! #missionaryatheart
Happy Easter
Happy Easter from all my kids in the Dominican! Today we are thankful for freedom and life! We are thankful for second chances and that IT IS FINISHED and HE IS RISEN! Jesus is the reason for it all and we praise Him today! #missionaryatheart